Animal Farm

Picture book

“Four legs good, two legs bad.”

So sing the sheep after the Revolution. Finally, the animals are the owners of the farm and no human commands them. Two pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, take on the task of leading the others. However, the concord of the first few days soon gives way to Napoleon and his allies’ thirst for power, with small changes that erase the sense of the Revolution. Until pigs and humans are completely indistinguishable…

  • An illustrated book to bring children closer to the difficult themes of revolution and dictatorship.
  • A classic of literature, narrated especially for children.
Publisher: Caissa Italia Editore
Target: 5-7
Year: 2021
Mariapaola Pesce

Mariapaola Pesce is an author and coach. She has published picture books, novels and comic biographies for children which have been translated in various countries around the world.

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