I Will Be

Coming of age

Choose today who to be tomorrow.

A book for girls and boys that aims to be a manual of possibilities: a tool for imagining themselves as grownups, helping with orientation, offering skills and tools capable of merging knowledge and competencies with a light, ironic, concrete and aspirational cut. A book that allows children to look at themselves in a mirror through success stories (that haven’t yet happened) in which they can recognise themselves and from which they can draw inspiration, ideas, stimuli and models.

The book consists of twenty chapters, each of which opens with the narration of a success story. The speakers are 20/35-year-olds who describe their jobs, what they do and why they chose to do them, and reveal the secrets their professions. Amusing, contemporary and engaging texts, in which the readers can easily identify themselves and feel involved.

In addition to each story, there is a series of boxes and columns, useful for schematising and extrapolating keywords, guidance, skills and suggestions.

Publisher: Il Sole 24 Ore
Target: 10+
Year: 2021
Pierdomenico Baccalario

Pierdomenico Baccalario has been writing children’s novels since 1997, when he won the Il Battello a Vapore literary prize with La strada del Guerriero (The Way of the Warrior) using his neighbour’s name. Since then, his bestsellers have been written under as many pseudonyms (the best known being Ulysses Moore and Irene Adler), translated into more than thirty languages and published with major Italian and foreign publishers. He has collaborated with Lucca Comics & Games for more than twenty years, has written for Repubblica, and is a columnist for the newspaper Corriere della Sera’s La Lettura literary supplement. In 2014, he founded the Book on a Tree creative agency in London.


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Federico Taddia

A writer, presenter, TV author and populariser, Federico Taddia collaborates with Topolino, Rai, Radio24 and La Stampa. One of his passions has always been to use the right words to tell the youngest everything that scientists study, look for and discover. He has written books with Margherita Hack, Telmo Pievano, Elisa Palazzi and Antonella Viola. With Teste Toste he won the Andersen Prize for the best science series for girls and boys and with Virus Game he won the Piccolo Galileo prize.

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