What story is this?

Picture book

A heartbreaking love story.

We meant a thriller… No no, wait: it’s a fantasy story! (there are mermaids)

Um… But there’s also an alien abduction…

…and mistaken identities…

In short, what kind of story is this??

There’s a guy with a crown, surely a prince. Oh, no, he’s dressed up for a carnival party. It will therefore certainly be set in Venice… Oh no! It’s in Trofarello! But come on! What story is this?

A book that plays with narrative genres, a tale that talks about tales where the reader directly enters and becomes part of the story.

Publisher: Edizioni Clichy
Target: 5-7
Year: 2023
Sergio Olivotti

Sergio Olivotti, a graduate in Architecture from Genoa, focuses on education, children's publishing (as both author and illustrator), and poster art. He has collaborated with publishers such as Rizzoli, Sinnos, Bacchilega, and Lavieri, earning significant recognition: nominee for the 2022 Premio Strega Ragazzi, special mention at the 2021 Premio Rodari, and awards for digital and analog illustrations in 2018. His works have been showcased in international poster biennials, including those in Bolivia, Poland, Mexico, and Russia. Founder of the Italian Poster Biennial, he has been teaching Graphic Design in Italian high schools for over twenty years. With Book on a Tree, he published Ma che storia è? (Clichy, 2023).

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