My Non-Conforming Diary


Give voice to your story.

You hear it too, don’t you? The annoying voice that whispers in your ear what to do and what not to do without ever asking you what you want. I’m talking about the voice of society, the one that influences you without you realising it, or almost: will the outfit I’ve chosen be okay? Am I following the right diet? What if I hang out with the wrong people? The wrong boys? Or the wrong girls? We live our days in total insecurity, convinced that if we can follow the rules of the game everything will be fine. But what would happen if we suddenly really took control of our lives? I don’t know about you, but I picked up this diary and started writing down all those thoughts I’d never said out loud. On each page I regained possession of a little piece of myself, I understood that I’m not the problem and I identified my enemies while also facing the most terrifying monsters from my past. The more I wrote, the angrier I got; the angrier I got, the more I wanted to scream to the world that I EXIST in my way of existing. I’m not conforming to what they like, just as my diary isn’t. Open it, read me, discover one of the most intimate sides of me. Grab your diary and give voice to YOUR story.

GENRE Non-fiction, Biography
FIRST PUBLISHER Mondadori Electa (Italy), 2023