Wizard Wilkins


Magic exists and it's often "catastrophically" funny.

Wizard Wilkins doesn’t fight, he doesn’t have baddies who want to kill him, and he doesn’t want to take over the world. He lives with his friend Andrea – a puppy – in a Shifted House, “shifted” in the sense that time in their garden has shifted by a season. If it’s Summer elsewhere, at the Shifted House it snows. He has genius visions and ideas, but he’s a bungler and his spells often turn on him. Luckily, there’s Andrea who is precise, never messes up a spell (more or less...) and puts everything back in place.

  • A simple and non-violent magic that's uproariously funny.

  • A special friend to believe in and rely on when you're in trouble.


Wizard Wilkins & The Dream Hammock

... And it’s a disaster. Trees sprout everywhere (except where Wizard Wilkins wanted). In the garden, in the neighbours’ lawns, in the fields, even on the roof of the house!


Wizard Wilkins & The Invitation to Dinner with Wreckage

... And it’s a disaster. All the furniture goes away. The chairs start dancing, the sofa jumps out of the window, the table runs out into the garden and even the old closet sets off!


GENRE Humour
FIRST PUBLISHER Lisciani Libri (Italy), 2021